

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Program Goals


1. Preparing the specialized qualitative teacher for the stages of pre-university education at its various levels, in the fields of art education, music education, home economics, and other fields required by the need for educational service in society.

2. Preparing the technical specialist and supervisor of school activities for the stages of general education in the fields of educational technology and educational media in its branches (school press, school radio, school theater and public media).

3. Preparing the student in the technical and qualitative specializations mentioned, to be technically and educationally qualified to deal with those with special needs, who are talented and handicapped.

4. Preparing specialists in qualitative fields represented in the previous disciplines, which are required by the local environment and emphasized by comprehensive development.

5. Raise the level of workers in the previous qualitative fields scientifically and professionally through various programs

6. Conducting field and scientific research in specialized qualitative fields with the aim of developing thought and practice in these fields.

7. Giving advice in the fields of work of the college to the various bodies and institutions that request it.

8. Cooperation with scientific, cultural and research bodies and institutions at the local, Arab and international levels in addressing common specialized issues.

9. Contribute to the development of education in qualitative fields by creating specializations that keep pace with the contemporary and future educational requirements that society needs and the requirements of its path towards community development.