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The Egyptian Knowledge Bank ... a new sun of science and knowledge


"Learn ... think ... innovate" as science has a new sun ... so make it shine in your life and decorate your world, and in our society, religions have urged to receive knowledge and raised the status of scholars to become the heirs of the prophets.

With the advancement of technology, the battlefield has moved from military confrontations to the cultural and cognitive arena, and we have heard about so-called "fourth generation" wars or "wars of minds and brains" that seek to direct ideas and minds and falsify facts as they want, hence the necessity of confronting them with awareness, science and knowledge.

Perhaps our ancestors in the past did a lot to obtain knowledge and knowledge and roamed the country in order to obtain a copy of a book or to verify the validity of a piece of information ... Now, with technological development, the world has become less than a small village ... so you can roam while you are in your house and inside your room Around the world and you can recall any information you want.

On the Science Day 2015 was the beginning of thinking about a project to create a database for science and knowledge, which aims to "reform scientific content and make education available via the Internet" and to turn the dream into reality on January 9, 2016, when the fruit of this project, the "Egyptian Knowledge Bank" appeared.

What is a knowledge bank?

The Egyptian Knowledge Bank is "the largest digital library in the world. This bank provides scientific and knowledge content for many scientific encyclopedias and educational materials and curricula free of charge to all categories of Egyptian society; citizens, researchers, and students of all ages."

The initiative to establish the Egyptian Knowledge Bank was announced on Flag Day 2015 by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and it was published on the Internet in the “Egyptian Youth Day” January 9, 2016 during a ceremony held at the Egyptian Opera House, with full access to the site On January 23, 2016 [1] After that, the Egyptian Council of Education and Scientific Research signed agreements with more than 26 regional and international publishing houses to be listed in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.

Dr. Tarek Shawky, Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Council for Education and Scientific Research and Dean of the College of Science and Engineering at the American University in Cairo, said in an interview with Times Higher Education Magazine that the project “... is an unprecedented attempt to spread a culture of knowledge and learning, and shed light on the value of research.” [2]

At the Knowledge Summit 2018, talks were held on establishing the Arab Digital Union, which is a combination of online resources for the Saudi Digital Library, the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, and the Dubai Digital Library. Speaking on the topic of the Arab Digital Union, Tarik Shawky said, "... it will help promote cultural exchange between Arab countries, and it will also help the growth of partnerships based on knowledge and culture."

10 steps to explain how to browse the Knowledge Bank website:

1. The site includes four main portals that you have to choose from, which are "Children’s Portal, Students and Teachers 'Portal, Researchers Portal, and Readers' Portal".
2. The site is subscribed by registering your data to create your own account.
3. Registration includes writing the individual's name, email, mobile number, date of birth, in addition to the national number.
4. If you are a researcher, or interested in the field of scientific research, you should register on the "researchers" portal, which is a specialized portal that contains the largest science reached in research universities, thousands of specialized scientific journals, in addition to hundreds of thousands of books and general references, as well as databases Scientific; Britnica and Discovery Educational Encyclopedia.
5. As for the "Student Portal", it is a portal dedicated to education at various educational levels, and you can register with it by clicking on the "Student Portal" option.
6. The portal contains a unified search system that contains thousands of scientific courses, in different educational stages up to university, as well as reference books, as well as the Britannica Encyclopedia for students, and hundreds of thousands of real and imaginary pictures of scientific materials, to expand students' comprehension, from the encyclopedias of the National Geographic Channel.
7. Parents can benefit from the "Knowledge Bank" by educating their youngsters through a dedicated children's portal, under the heading "Children's Portal". It is also available under the registration options. And through it, you can deliver dry information to your children in an interactive way, as the portal provides a simple system for dealing with children, and it is supported by visual and audio means.
8. If you are a general reader, then the portal dedicates a section called "the readers' portal", which contains local and regional sources of knowledge, and among the most prominent of those sources; Discovery Education Channel, National Geographic, as well as heritage and literary books from the British Library with Arabic translation.
9. The site is the largest digital library in the world, as it contains the knowledge content of the largest publishing houses in the world such as (Springer, Nature, National Geographic, Cambridge, Oxford, Britannica) and dozens of publishers.
10. As for the published material, it is scientific periodicals in all fields of knowledge, electronic books, journals, basic and university education curricula, databases, search engines, digital video and photo libraries, as well as computer programs in the fields of mathematics and others.

To know more about the knowledge bank and how to browse the site, review the attachment

To know about the resources, services and how to search, review the attachment

Website: www.ekb.eg

Address: The Specialized Presidential Council for Education and Scientific Research, General Secretariat, Socialist Institute Street, Roxy Square, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.

Email: support@ekb.eg