

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students

On this page, you will find information related to COVID-19 for all Ain Shams University students and graduate students. Please follow the links on this page for all answers for undergraduate and postgraduate students. In the interest of the university to continue the learning process, the following was done:
  • • Adopt the electronic learning management system “Moodle” as an official platform for managing hybrid learning at Ain Shams University.
  • • Exchange of students according to the hours of each faculty and the number of students in it to achieve the principle of social distancing by dividing students into small groups.
  • • Activate the means of direct and indirect interaction with students, such as chat rooms and forums, to ensure constant communication with students.
  • • Activating interactive virtual classes with students through Microsoft Teams, so that the professor meets the student to explain what is difficult to understand through the recorded lectures.
  • • Apply formative assessment with the aim of enriching the educational process, continuous monitoring of students' performance, giving feedback and training students on electronic exams.
  • • Depend on continuous assessment for students during the semester, with the aim of following up the effective participation of students in distance learning and measuring their continuous progress in achieving the targeted learning outcomes.



Undergraduate Students

Get the latest information and scientific content of the courses in the form of recorded lectures, educational videos, related references, useful websites necessary for the e-learning management system, and be able to receive your lectures and communicate with your professors remotely.



Postgraduate Students

Explore information and resources for research, distance learning, and other topics of interest to graduate students.