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Telemedicine service at university hospitals


Since the beginning of the crisis of the spread of Corona virus, the university has intensified the telemedicine service in university hospitals for citizens, as well as providing them with a free inquiry service about Corona virus, in addition to providing a telemedicine service through the CDOC application and canceling WhatsApp service, as part of the development of the service as the application of CDOC is superior to WhatsApp in the following points:

• A higher level of security and information privacy

• Possibility to follow up with the same doctor by selecting him from the list

• Possibility to keep conversations with the doctor for a better follow-up

* The ability to download images of reports, radiology and analyzes and keep them on the program for doctors to see

• Customer service all day.

You can download the program from the following link: https://www.cdocapp.com/downloadapp.php

Then follow the steps to get the service for free.


How to use Telemedicine service provided by Ain Shams University Virtual Hospitals