

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

For the first time, Ain Shams University receives high school students to conduct electronic coordination


The electronic coordination laboratories of Ain Shams University received students of the three stages of university coordination for the academic year 2020/2021.

Ain Shams University hosts this event for the first time in its history, and has equipped 13 computer laboratories to provide electronic coordination services for high school students, distributed over five campuses to ensure the provision of service to students and their families on a large scale. This is under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of the University, supervised by Prof. Dr. Abdul Fattah Saud, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Mr. Muhammad Al-Khatib, Assistant Secretary-General for Education and Student Affairs, and Mrs. Reham, Director General of the General Administration of Education and Student Affairs.http://asu.edu.eg/141090/_mediacenter/2020/jpg/ebb214b22e4ff2f302cc5ac9a458832d.jpg

Two headquarters were designated in the main university campus in Abbasiya (the extension of the Caliph Al-Ma'mun) at the Faculties of Arts, Computers and Information, another headquarters at the Faculty of Engineering in Abdo Basha Square in Abbasiya, and one at the Faculty of Girls in Heliopolis on Al-Mirghani Street, and another at the Faculty of Agriculture in Shubra al-Khaimah to allow electronic registration of wishes through the electronic coordination site: www.tansik.egypt.gov.eg

The geographical distribution of the headquarters and laboratories devoted to electronic coordination has been taken into account to provide service and facilitate the largest number of students and their families.

All electronic coordination headquarters at the university have taken all necessary precautionary measures to ensure the smooth conduct of coordination work, and teams of trained administrators have been allocated to conduct electronic coordination work to provide the necessary assistance and guidance to students and their families, in addition to allocating waiting places for students and their parents.

The university was keen to equip the new headquarters of the Central Coordination Office, to ensure the completion and implementation of coordination work in a manner appropriate to the position of the university, which is hosting the central coordination office for the first time in its history.

Teams of trained administrators have also been allocated to conduct electronic coordination work to provide the necessary assistance and guidance to students and their families, and waiting places have been allocated in which all necessary precautionary measures are available.

Safety Procedures

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of Ain Shams University, had instructed the necessity to take all preventive measures to ensure the safety of students, their parents and workers at the Coordination Office.

Prof. Dr. Abdel-Fattah Saud, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, confirmed that all necessary measures have been provided to facilitate the work of the coordination offices in order to facilitate the students and their families to complete the electronic registration processes quickly and accurately. He also clarified that all medical and logistical services have been provided to serve students and their families, and coordination work has been properly carried out, pointing to the development and upgrading work carried out by the university in the university theater and its annexes, the sports hall covered in the university city for students in Abbasia and sports stadiums as well as the youth welfare departments to be the headquarters of the central coordination center.

Dr. Saud added that the university has prepared at all security levels in coordination with the Ministry of Interior to secure the office and health headquarters in cooperation with the General Administration of Medical Affairs and University Hospitals with the provision of additional numbers of medical teams to be on constant alert to deal with any emergency medical situation with an emphasis on the need for permanent commitment to followers All medical precautionary measures (such as measuring temperature and others) towards all administrators and students who visit the coordination office.

He also referred to the effective initiative presented by the University Student Union, this year, which is allocating mentoring teams of trained students to help high school students to obtain smoothly and conveniently the services of the Central Coordination Office, as well as providing rest and waiting places for students and their families, and taking into account all necessary precautionary measures.


The deans of the faculties that received high school students during the coordination processes were keen to closely follow the work of the laboratories and administrators in them, and made frequent inspection tours to see the progress of work in those Facultys.

Prof. Dr.  Rukaya Shalaby, Dean of the Faculty of Girls, emphasized the provision of masks and disinfectants and sterilizing laboratories periodically, directing students and workers to adhere to social distancing, amid a large turnout of high school students to register their wishes to join Egyptian universities.

The Faculty of Girls had designated two labs equipped with (40) computers connected to the Internet, as well as dedicated a team that was selected with expertise in this field to serve students and help them to meet their needs in registering desires, in addition to answering all inquiries and questions from students and their parents.

Prof. Dr. Diaa Abdel-Maged, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, stressed the faculty administration’s keenness to provide all necessary preventive capabilities in coordination laboratories and to provide work teams to help students and parents to register their wishes, and places to wait for students and their parents to prevent students from crowding while registering their desires.

Dr. Muhammad Subeh, General Supervisor of the Faculty Coordination Lab, indicated that two laboratories were designated with (100) computers connected to the Internet, as well as a working group with expertise in this field was allocated to serve students and assist them in registering desires.

Mrs. Sayeda Taha Muhammad Al-Khouly, in charge of supervising the laboratories, indicated that the faculty's coordination laboratories receive students from nine in the morning until four in the afternoon on all days of coordination, including holidays.

On her part, Dr. Zainab Mahmoud, General Coordinator of Coordination at the Faculty of Agriculture, until the number of applicants is increasing, confirming that all those in charge of the electronic coordination laboratories in the Faculty will wait until the last student finishes registering his wishes, as the Faculty receives students from all areas surrounding the Faculty and some of them come from long distances.

Prof. Mustafa Mortada, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, confirmed that the Faculty administration was prepared to receive students, and all precautionary and preventive measures were taken by the university administration, in order to ensure their safety, and the Faculty also made special arrangements for students of determination in order to ensure their comfort and the comfort of parents.

Dr. Mortada also indicated that some instructions and instructions were put in place from banners and brochures to be distributed to students in order to facilitate the process of filling desires and save time and effort. There is also a sufficient number of trained personnel to meet the needs of students while writing desires. He also stressed that all services provided to students are free of charge.

In a precedent of its kind, a unified phosphorescent T-shirt worn by the counselors and technicians staff was identified with the college logo with the phrase "I am here to help" so that students could easily identify them to benefit from their experiences.

Prof. Dr. Hanan Kamel, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, explained that the college was preparing to receive high school students to register their wishes through the coordination website by equipping 3 laboratories in the faculty, equipped with about 30 devices to serve students, as well as a team of technicians and specialists to guide students, noting that in implementation of the university administration's instructions, all precautionary measures have been taken by disinfecting and sterilizing all faculty coordination laboratories every two hours, and the necessity of wearing masks, as well as ensuring social distancing among students, in order to prevent the outbreak of the new Corona virus.

While the Faculty of Computers and Information Sciences at the University equipped 3 electronic coordination laboratories with a capacity of 100 devices, it also provided mentors in the laboratories to provide advice and guidance to students during the process of registering wishes.

Numbers of applicants

The electronic coordination laboratories at Ain Shams University received 2,420 students during the first phase of coordination, while the laboratories during the second phase received more than 3050 students, while the third phase witnessed the reception of Ain Shams University laboratories, more than 4,500 students.

A historic event hosted by Ain Shams University, to always prove that it is there to keep pace with the events, and that it is ready to participate in any activity or work that can provide assistance to students, their families and society in general.