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Honoring the winning students in the competition of the best research for the sustainable development goals at the Institute of Environmental Studies and Research
Honoring the winning students in the competition of the best research for the sustainable development goals at the Institute of Environmental Studies and Research

The Institute of Environmental Studies and Research at Ain Shams University organized a competition on the sidelines of the integrated environmental session that is held at the institute for a period of three weeks for the best research that serves the sustainable development goals.

The competition was held under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Bahrain.

Prof. Dr. Noha Samir Dunya, Dean of the Institute, stated that she added that five students won the competition. They are Basem Ahmed Abdel Moneim Sayed from the Department of Agricultural Sciences and Marwa Fakhri Hegazy from the Department of Economic and Prophetic Sciences Abu al-Fadl Ahmed Abd al-Nabi from the Department of Educational Sciences and Environmental Information, Nihal Muhammad al-Sayed from the Department of Educational Sciences and Environmental Media, and Rasha Wasfi Al-Shamat from the Department of Economic Sciences.

They were honored by the Dean of the Institute, Prof. Dr. Noha Samir Dunia, and they were awarded certificates of appreciation and souvenirs.

The Institute of Environmental Studies and Research regularly holds an integrated training course for students applying for masters and doctoral studies in the institute’s seven disciplines and about 100 students in the three-week course participate in the master’s and doctoral levels, and the course is implemented using one of the distance education programs, which is the "TIMES" program.

About 45 professors from the faculty give the lectures, and the current session is distinguished from the previous one by the lack of students attending the institute, in addition to that it is designed to emphasize the importance of multidisciplinary in achieving the goals of sustainable development, as the topics of the three weeks' lectures were divided under the following goals headings (water, Health, climate, consumption, cities, poverty and land).

At the end of the course, an examination in the form of multiple choice questions is held, in addition to an optional competition in the presentation for those who wish to talk about the relationship of their research ideas to the sustainable development goals, where the institute offers prizes to the winners.

The offers are evaluated by arbitrators from the faculty administration to determine the prize winners, in addition to a digital vote from the student viewers to measure their liking for the offers. As is the case, the course is evaluated using digital forms that are statistically analyzed to write the report at the end of the session.