

Artistic Activity department


Activities Participation form

It is the department responsible for the organization and follow-up of all competitions areas of technical activities held between the faculties of the university as well as the representation of the university in all local and international technical forums and based on:
Provide all the necessary opportunities and opportunities to give the students the full opportunity to practice the technical activities they want or want to develop their talents.
Discover talented people in various technical fields among the university students and work on the weight of their talents.
Provide technical support to university students and revive the spirit of competition through various technical competitions organized by the Department.
Continuous development of different forms of competition and creation of new and unconventional art competitions.

Activities offered by the Department
The Department of Artistic Activity organizes many competitions, festivals and artistic celebrations. The main reliance in these activities is on the students of the university to give them the full opportunity to present their art and showcase their artistic talents, which the Department sponsors and works on its weight and development by providing the best trainers, materials and machinery to present their work, presenting them on the widest possible basis for them to spread and allow them the opportunity to move from hobby to professionalism.
The role of artistic activity management is not limited to organizing competitions and festivals within the university only, but also, its role extends to represent the university in all festivals and university art competitions at the local and international levels through participation in teams formed from the best technical elements among the university students and produced by competitions held within the university.

The method of participating in artistic activities
The student goes to the Youth Welfare Department of the college to which he is affiliated and fills in the form to participate in the artistic activities he desires and attaches with the form a copy of the national number and a picture of the college card, then the Youth Welfare Department at the college attaches him to the team that performs the required activity, and in the absence of a team in the college, the student goes directly to The central artistic activity department, which in turn trains and qualifies the student to participate in the university team.

Management structure
1. Manager director
In charge of:
      * Developing the department's business plan.
      * The distribution of work to employees of the administration.
      * Supervising the employees of the administration, directing them, and following up on their implementation of the work assigned to them.
2. Head of Department
     * Responsible for implementing and following up the assignments and plans drawn up after they are presented for discussion with the supervisors who specialize in their respective fields.
3. Administration employees
     * Executing data entry, inventory and recording operations.
     * Implementing the works entrusted to them by the director of the department, and they are:
           1- Technical Supervisor: It is the supervisor who specializes in one of the arts and provides technical supervision on the product and follows up on training.
           2- Student Supervisor and Female Student Supervisor: He follows up the students during the training work and accompanies students during local and international acting.
           3- Financial and Administrative Officer: Performs all financial and administrative work and follows up on the implementation of the financial and administrative part of the technical project.

Artistic units attached to the Department
1. Mahmoud Odah Theater: The theater is equipped with the highest sound and lighting capabilities and can accommodate up to 260 people.
2. Fine Arts room: Exhibition room belonging to the Department of Art Activity and equipped to hold exhibitions and competitions of plastic arts area of 15 mx 20 m.
3. Training room of performing arts
4. Rooms attached to the Department of artistic activity used in the training of teams and technical teams preparing to represent the university in festivals and competitions.