

Welcome to Ain Shams University

Development of databases


Several databases and information have been established for the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, taking into account continuous updating, including:

A database of employees in centers and units.

A Database for evaluating the performance of centers and units (financial - technical - administrative).

A Database (conferences - seminars - protocols - list of participants in training courses).

Training program evaluation forms, applied research data forms from the applied research budget, follow-up forms for scientific and financial reports submitted on applied research funded from the university budget.

A statement of the achievements of the colleges and institutes during the academic year, the best college competition

A statement of the achievements of centers and units of a special nature during the academic year for the best center competition

Updating the website of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector on the university’s website, and it includes the following data: the strategic plan for the sector - the annual plan for departments - the organizational structure - the terms of reference of the subordinate agencies of the vice president - Sector Achievements – Publications.