

Welcome to Ain Shams University

Nutrition Department


Prior to 2002/2003, the General Department of Nutrition was one of the administrative departments affiliated to the University City. A general supervisor moderated it. He headed three sections of the Inspection department / Requirements department / financial and administrative affairs department.

The organizational structure consisted of a Director-General of Nutrition, which presided over four departments:

Inspection Department / Requirements Department / Catering Affairs Department / Financial Affairs and Administration Department contains one section, the Nutrition Section (and is occupied by the head of each of the management's restaurants)



The General Administration has restaurants, which are as follows: The City Restaurant "male students" /

Heliopolis / Abbasiya / Nasr City 1 / Nasr City 2 / Al-Zaytoun (distribution hall) / Faculty of Agriculture (restaurant and distribution hall)



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All these houses was feeding  students from various faculties of indoor and outdoor meals, semi-dry, and cooked and others.