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Prof. Abdel Badeeh Mohamed Mahmoud Salem


Prof. Dr. Abdel-Badeh M Salem is a professor emeritus of Computer Science since September 2007 till now. He was a former Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences at Ain Shams University, Cairo-Egypt (1996-2007). He was a professor of Computer Science at Faculty of Science,AinShamsUniversity from 1989 to 1996. He was a Director of Scientific Computing Center atAinShamsUniversity (1984-1990). His research includes intelligent computing, expert systems, medical informatics, and intelligent e-learning technologies. He has published around 200 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings in these areas. He has been involved in more than 200 conferences and workshops as an Int. Program Committee , organizer and Session Chair. He is author and co-author of 15 Books in English and Arabic Languages.
  • Faculty: Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences
  • Department: Department of Computer Science
  • General Specialization : Computer Science
  • Specialization: Artificial intelligence
  • Degree: Emeritus Professor
  • Current Status: In Working
  • Official Email: AbSalem@cis.asu.edu.eg
  • Google Scholar: Google Scholar Link
  • Research Gate: N/A
  • Scopus: N/A
  • H-index: 28
  • Orcid: N/A
  • Research Fields: N/A
  • CV: Download CV

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Journal Name Published Date Sector Journal Website ISSN
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems 2021-02-08 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2210-142X
Current Bioinformatics 2021-01-08 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1574-8936
Open Bioinformatics Journal 2021-11-19 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1875-0362
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2021-08-24 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2367-3370
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2021-08-24 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2367-3370
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2021-11-14 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2089-3191
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2021-08-24 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2367-3370
Digital Transformation Technology, Lecture Notes in Networksand Systems 2021-08-24 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2367-3389
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 2022-05-20 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0278-081X
IEEE Access 2022-01-26 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2169-3536
Mathematics 2022-02-16 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2227-7390
International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences 2022-05-01 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1687-109X
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 2022-04-15 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1992-8645
Axioms 2022-09-14 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2075-1680
Mathematics 2022-10-25 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2227-7390
Bulletin of electrical engineering and informatics 2023-04-01 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2089-3191
IEEE 2023-05-25 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2169-3536
Neural Computing and Applications 2024-01-17 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1433-3058

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نوعية البحوث المنشورة دولية ومحلية
إجمالي عدد البحوث المنشورة أعلى من 200 بحث
هل يوجد لديك كتب مؤلفة محلية ? أكثر من 10 كتب
هل يوجد لديك كتب مؤلفة إقليمية ? من 1-أقل من 5 كتب
هل يوجد لديك كتب مؤلفة دولية ? من 1-أقل من 5 كتب
هل يوجد لديك كتب مترجمة ? من 1-أقل من 5 كتب
قيمة h-index من Scopus من 20-أقل من 30
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عدد رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه التى تم تحكيمها ? أكثر من 30
عدد المقالات والبحوث العلمية التى تم تحكيمها ? أكثر من 50
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