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Prof. Ahmed Elsabbagh

My Statistics

Scientifc Research



Research Citations Chart


    • Bachelor
    • 1994
    • Master
    • 1999
    • Phd
    • 2004

Career Progression

    • Faculty vice for society and the environment
    • Year : 2021
    • Professor
    • Year : 2016


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ASU Awards

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Scientifc Research (60)

Research Title Year Citations
Gait multi-objectives optimization of lower limb exoskeleton robot based on BSO-EOLLFF algorithm 2023 1
Developing fire retardant composites of biodegradable polyethylene reinforced with agricultural wastes 2022 1
Lower Limb Motion Intention Recognition Based on sEMG Fusion Features 2022 4
Implementation of phase change material for cooling load reduction: a case study for Cairo, Egypt 2022
Fuzzy radial-based impedance controller design for lower limb exoskeleton robot 2022
Materials development in transportation industry: Fuel consumption, safety and recycling 2022
Processing Route Optimization and Characterization of Al6063–SiCp Metal-Matrix Composite Sheets 2022 1
Mono–Material 4D Printing of Digital Shape–Memory Components 2021 1
Feasibility of 0.02% Nb-Based Microalloyed Steel for the Application of One-Step Quenching and Partitioning Heat Treatment 2021 2
Mono–Material 4D Printing of Digital Shape–Memory Components. Polymers 2021, 13, 3767 2021
Aging Behavior of Intercritically Quenched Ductile Iron 2021
Towards selection charts for epoxy resin, unsaturated polyester resin and their fibre-fabric composites with flame retardants 2021 21
Models of flow behaviour and fibre distribution of injected moulded polypropylene reinforced with natural fibre composites 2019 13
Distribution of fillers and reinforcements in injection moulded thermoplastic composites: Case study of glass bubbles 2019

Journal Name Published Date Sector Journal Website ISSN
ٌRobotica 2022-09-28 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0263-5747
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 2022-12-22 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2090-4479
Robotica 2022-08-25 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0263-5747
materials science and applications 2021-12-24 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2153-1188
Materials Sciences and Applications 2021-08-13 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2153-1188
Metals 2022-03-22 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2075-4701
Ain Shams Engineering journal 2022-03-10 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2090-4479
International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 2022-10-30 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2010-1325
Heliyon 2023-05-26 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2405-8440
Ain SHams Engineering journal 2023-02-22 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2090-4479
Express polymer letter 2024-06-13 Engineering And Technology Journal Website ISSN 1788-618X

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Nominated Awards

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Scientific Achievements

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