Center Position

The center has reached a great position that made state officials benefit from its studies. In 1973, a few days before the October War, Mr. Muhammad Hafez Ismail, the political advisor to the President of the Republic, came to the center and requested the preparation of a study on the possible expectations in the event of a war between the Arabs and Israel and the use of oil as a weapon in the battle. The director of the center at that time, Prof. Dr. Fawzi Mansour, invited a number of center and university scholars to meet on the same day at the center and prepare the required study, which was completed at dawn the next day, where the director of the center handed it over to the advisor to the President of the Republic.

One of the center’s scientific initiatives and its response to political events in the Middle East was that, after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, it issued the Gulf Events Bulletin, which ended the coverage of Gulf events and the various effects that resulted from this invasion in four successive issues, depending on various sources such as the Arab press. In addition to a number of analytical articles by specialists in the political, historical, geographical, and other fields.