S | Year | Title | Author list | Journal | ISSN | DOI |
1 | 2014 | Alveolar bone mapping in subjects with different vertical facial dimensions | Mais M. Sadek, Noha E. Sabet and Islam T. Hassan | European journal of orthodontics | 0141-5387 | 10.1093/ejo/cju034 |
2 | 2016 | Three-dimensional mapping of cortical bone thickness in subjects with different vertical facial dimensions | Mais Medhat Sadek, Noha Ezat Sabet and Islam Tarek Hassan | Progress in orthodontics | 2196-1042 | 10.1186/s40510-016-0145-x |
3 | 2017 | Maxillary arch distalization using interradicular miniscrews and the lever arm appliance: A case report | Mais M. Sadek, Noha E. Sabet, Islam T. Hassan | Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists | 2212-4438 | |
4 | 2016 | Evaluation of corticotomy-facilitated orthodontics and piezocision in rapid canine retraction | Abbas NH, Sabet NE, Hassan IT | Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop | 0889-5406, 1097-6752 | 10.1016/j.ajodo.2015.09.029 |
5 | 2012 | Three-dimensional assessment of midface asymmetry in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate using cone beam computed tomography | Marwa AW El-Kassaby, Eman HD El-Abbassy, Dina H El-Ghoul2 and Noha E Sabet | The Journal of American Science | 1545-1003 | :10.7537/marsjas080212.09 |
6 | 2012 | Acceleration of orthodontic tooth movement by alveolar corticotomy using piezosurgery | Islam T. Abbas* and Gamal M. Moutamed | The Journal of American Science | 1545-1003 | 10.7537/marsjas080212.03 |
7 | 2017 | A comparison of treatment effects of total arch distalization using modified C-palatal plate vs buccal miniscrews | Sang Kyu Lee ; Noha H. Abbas ; Mohamed Bayome,d; Un-Bong Baik ; Yoon-Ah Kook ; Mihee Hong ; Jae Hyun Park | The Angle Orthodontist | 1945-7103 | 10.2319/061917-406.1 |
8 | 2012 | A Stepwise Guide for Easy, Rapid and Accurate Oral Impression Taking for Newborn Cleft Lip/Palate Infants. | Abdel-Rahman NI, Abbas IT, and El-Kassaby MAW | The Journal of American Science | 1545-1003 | |
9 | 2013 | Premaxillary Characterstics in Complete Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate: A Predictor for Treatent Outcome. | El- Kassaby MA, Abdelrahman NI, Tarek IA. | Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery | 10.4103/2231-0746.110064. | |
10 | 2012 | Congenitally missing permanent teeth in egyptian children with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate | Eman Hossam El-Abbassy, Noha Ezzat Sabet, Dina Hussein El-Goul, Marwa El-Kassaby | Egyptian Dental Journal | 0070-9484 | |
11 | 2012 | Comparison Between Dental Arch Measurements on Conventional Plaster Models and Cone Beam Computed Tomography Imaging System | Ibrahim M. Negm, Ahmed M. Zaky, Khaled M. Fawzy | Ain Shams Dental Journal | 1110-7642 | |
12 | 2014 | Reliability of CBCT digital models in measurement of the curve of spee | Ibrahim Mazen Negm, Khaled Samir Aboulazm | Egyptian Orthodontic Journal | 1110-435X | |
13 | 2014 | Comparison between the effect of air-abrasion before and after conventional acid etching on the shear bond strength | Ibrahim Mazen Negm, Khaled Samir Aboulazm | Egyptian Orthodontic Journal | 1110-435X | |
14 | 2015 | CBCT assessment of alveolar bone crest height and thickness utilizing the Damon Q self-ligating bracket | Ibrahim Mazen Negm | Egyptian Dental Journal | 0070-9484 | |
15 | 2015 | Orthodontically induced root resorption in maxillary first molar during canine retraction on mini-implant | Ibrahim Mazen Negm, Khaled Samir Aboulazm | Egyptian Orthodontic Journal | 1110-435X | |
16 | 2015 | Comparing 3D Volumetric and 2D conventional cephalometric analysis in Treatment of deepbite via CIA intrusive arch | Ibrahim Mazen Negm | Egyptian Dental Journal | 0070-9484 | |
17 | 2015 | Comparing Root Resorption in Modified Corticotomy And Peridontally Accelerate Osteogenic Orthodontics | Ibrahim M. Negm, Mohamed W. Bissar | Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences | 1991-8178 | |
18 | 2017 | Cone beam computed tomography three dimensional reconstructed images versus synthesized two dimensional lateral images for the evaluation of the nasomaxillary complex in patients with cleft lip and palate. | Dina Hussien El-Ghoul | Egyptian Dental Journal | 0070-9484 | |
19 | 2017 | Temporomandibular joint disorders and malocclusion. A cross-sectional study | Noha Hussein Abbas, Dina Hussien El-Ghoul | Egyptian Dental Journal | 0070-9485 | |
20 | 2017 | Assessment of midface asymmetry in patients with cleft lip and palate using cbct | Marwa El-Kassaby, Eman El-Abbassy, Dina El-Ghoul | Egyptian Dental Journal | 0070-9486 | |
21 | 2017 | Assessment of mandibular arch width changes in non-extraction cases after one year of fixed lingual retention | Dina Hussien El-Ghoul | Egyptian Dental Journal | 0070-9487 | |
22 | 2017 | Correction of midface deficiency in patients with cleft lip and palate using modified surgical miniplates and class iii intermaxillary elastics | Eman El-Abbassy, Noha Sabet, Islam Hassan, Dina El-Goul,Marwa El-kassaby | Egyptian Dental Journal | 0070-9488 | |
23 | 2017 | Effect of remineralizing agents on the flexural modulus of elasticity of nickel titanium and copper nickel titanium wires | Islam Tarek Hassan, Dina Hussien El-Ghoul, Mohamed Khaled Fawzy | Egyptian Dental Journal | 0070-9489 | |
24 | 2019 | Patient perceptions and oral impacts following labial and lingual biocreative therapy: A randomized clinical trial | Mais M. Sadek, Noha E. Sabet and Islam T. Hassan | Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists | 2212-4438 | |