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د. محمد الفرماوى عبد الرحمن العيسوى

نبذه عن

Dr. El Esawey has over 21 years of experience in traffic engineering, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), transportation planning and demand modeling, and traveler information systems. He is currently serving as a Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt and previously worked as a Senior Highway Safety Engineer at BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Dr. El Esawey did extensive research in traffic safety, sustainable transportation, design of unconventional intersections, micro-simulation modelling, advanced data algorithms & imputation and real-time travel time estimation. Dr. El Esawey is an author of many publications in leading journals, conference/workshop presentations and technical reports. Dr. Elesawey has won numerous awards for his technical and academic excellence demonstrated in his body of research. These work experiences allowed him to participate in many transportation engineering projects at local, national, regional, and international scales.


الأبحاث العلمية





لم يتم اضافة التعليم

التدرج الوظيفي

    • أستاذ دكتور
    • السنة : 2022
    • استاذ مساعد
    • السنة : 2017
    • مدرس
    • السنة : 2011

ورش العمل

لم يتم اضافة ورش عمل

المؤتمرات العلمية

لم يتم اضافة مؤتمرات علمية


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الأبحاث العلمية (59)

عنوان البحث السنة الاقتباسات
Impact of data gaps on the accuracy of annual and monthly average daily bicycle volume calculation at permanent count stations 2018 7
Daily bicycle traffic volume estimation: Comparison of historical average and count models 2018 16
Impact of Missing Cycling Counts on the Accuracy of Annual and Monthly Average Daily Bicycle Volume Calculation at Permanent Count Stations 2018
Calibration and Validation of Micro-Simulation Models Using Measurable Variables 2018 12
Identification and Ranking of Dangerous Violation Types: Abu Dhabi Case Study 2017
Estimation of daily bicycle traffic volumes using spatiotemporal relationships 2017 10
Toward a better estimation of annual average daily bicycle traffic: Comparison of methods for calculating daily adjustment factors 2016 30
Directional Distribution Factors for Bicycle Traffic: Development and Applications 2016 1
A mixed urban traffic road-users classification based on automated video data analysis. 2015 3
Development of a Cycling Data Model: City of Vancouver Case Study 2015 32
Determination and Application of Standard K Factors for Bicycle Traffic 2015 24
Estimation of daily bicycle traffic volumes using sparse data 2015 30
Estimation of Annual Average Daily Bicycle Traffic with Adjustment Factors 2014 49
A Fuzzy-Linear Programming Approach for Estimating Turning Movement Volumes at Intersections 2014
Design and implementation of an internet-based household activity scheduling survey in Cairo, Egypt 2014 2

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